Drunken Friday Night Battlefield 1 3/24


Join GRG for a night of drinking and killing on the Battlefield. The alcohol won’t consume itself. Parties will start forming around 9PM EST. (Embiid Standard Time).

Originally published at: https://grimreapergamers.com/pec-events/drunken-friday-night-battlefield-1-324/

I might be on for a few rounds.

There is no might.

I’ll be on in about an hour…maybe a little less. No drinks…only herbs. “Preparing” as we speak. :sunglasses:

This is how you run shit! @Johneffinggalt, @mnvikesfan, MrWhiskerBizkit & BASHR52 (is BASHR GRG?)
Not sure I’ve ever had this happen before, much less 2 games in a row!

GG’s all!

Mainly because Vikes is beast

Nice rounds !