Drunken Friday Night Battlefield 5/26


Join GRG for a night of drinking and killing on the Battlefield. The alcohol won’t consume itself. Parties will start forming around 9PM EST. (Embiid Standard Time).

Originally published at: https://grimreapergamers.com/pec-events/drunken-friday-night-battlefield-526/

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I will hopefully be on with a nice warm feeling in my belly. I love being a drunken support man. Not as bad as a drunken scout. That’d be horrible.

Wouldn’t that be a challenge you should accept while hilarity ensues? I think it should be!

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Turns out I am going to be having some time around town with my wife this afternoon. I aim to get back home in time to join in the gunpowder and debauchery but if not, sorry!

I’m at a family BBQ tonight and then a baseball game.