Dusting off The Division

Patch 1.4 recently came out for The Division. Since i drank the Kool-aid on this one and have the gold edition digitally i figured that this is as good a time as any to dust it off. The patch supposedly fixes a number of PvE issues and especially loot drops. PvP is scheduled to be the next thing fixed. This video helps break things down https://youtu.be/dRqAFrMsA3Q

I aaaaaaalmost reinstalled this recently. I know you’re on PS, but I might end up checking this game out again

I have it on PC and bought the season pass (doh). Maybe some day I will get back into it. The game was gorgeous and I thought the game play was good as well. I put 60 hours into it.

The Division I thought would be my Destiny, since it was broken I ended up back in Destiny, but now that Destiny is about played out for me I am hoping this fills the gap finally

I had misgivings from the beta and only enjoyed it for as long as I did as I played with a couple of friends.
I can’t see myself reinstalling this.

I didn’t buy any of the DLC either, so no strong reason to (for me).

They have only released one expansion so far which doesnt even matter i dont think. It is pretty much a soloable area. This post is more for people that have it and stopped playing it than people who dont have it to buy it. Pretty much the new update made it so you can solo most of the game because of the different tier world system

I can’t believe I bought the season pass for this game. 1 DLC? fuck. Even that sucks.

Second is coming this month supposedly now that the core game has been “fixed” they still plan to release 3 total

I jumped back in last night on the Sex box 1, so if any of you guys want to squad up, shoot me an invite

Lala you were fully committed to this from day 1 as was I. Slightly disappointed, but more impressed with Massive stepping up and admitting failure AND fixing it. Which very few companies would do.

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I don’t know. The game was great for the story mode and co-op. End game was lacking in a big depressing way. And the worries I had on the ReaperCast came true. The repetitiveness of the enemies just wore me out. The shotgun enemies of the raid were so fucking overpowered and full of shit.

With that said, what killed me was the Dark Zone. PvP is something I’m usually interested in but the Division’s version wasn’t for me. It had nothing to do with losing loot to PvPers, that much was very exciting. It was the OP bullshit of certain builds. I remember the very moment I was done with the Division. 4 of us stumbled across a random that started shooting us. All 4 of us shot at him. All 4 of us were one shotted with him being full health. I accept better gear would make him tougher, but to do absolutely no damage? None at all? Bullshit. I was done that night.

That said, I should fire it up and check out 1.4. I fucking paid for the DLC and updates, might as well see if they can fix a game that had a lot of promise.

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Me and @ReaperMan10 are still running farming runs in the DZ and in the open world for any who want to squad up. I just finally got my builds up to par and ready to wreck shit

I will be on around 630pm anyone want to join me and @quantumklutz for some farming