E3 predictions

so in the chat we started talking. sure its 4 months away but hell… why not.


I think there will be a Red Dead announcement, the team has been super quiet the last few years and i think red dead redemption and GTA IV were 2 years apart. the CEO also mentioned in a investors meeting that they are still interested in the red dead IP.

Bethesda is going to have their first ever live confrence at E3… and it sure as hell wont be about Elder Scrolls… I dunno what other IP they have besides Fallout. So I along with everyone else are predicting fallout announcement. hopefully it wont be a trailer with a “coming 2016” tag.

I also predict that xbox will open with cod like they do every fuckin year.

I just hope we get some new titles and not more “remastered” collections.


I’m just hoping for three things…

  1. A lot of Division news and info and a release date.
  2. R6:seige info
  3. Nintendo finally gives up and throws in the white flag and sells all rights to Zelda and Mario to Microsoft.


All of this and if there is a god…FALLOUT 4

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This image was posted on Killzones official twitter with the word “Soon.”

soooo new killzone? last one just came out at PS4 launch.

A possible new Killzone along with me missing MLB The Show make me want to pick up a PS4.

So i guess Bethesda also owns ID studio which are the guys in charge of Doom, so prolly announce that too. they also own the studios that made evil within, Wolfenstien, and dishonored. so guess they do have plenty to announce.

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Dear god let star wars battlefront finally come out


Yes. Hopefully both titles this year. The sooner for the Division the better.

no fucking way division and R6 come out at the same time. why would anybody want that? everyone would be split about which one to play.

I want division. but i think R6 might omce out first since its MP only.

Lord I hope they announce a new Call of Duty. Me so excite

Never will happen of course but how about some Chromehounds!


worth it!! is it even open to public? thought it was media only.

New prediction: EA teases titanfall 2 for all platforms and a 2016 date

I predict that there will be a new CoD out this year and it will be more FANTESTICAL than before.

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I still am mad at myself that I have never gone to PAX East.

I’m giving this a bump for everyone to weigh in on E3, which is in a few weeks.

We’ll be talking E3 on the Reapercast soon, and we want to feature some predictions on the Pre-E3 show on June 11th.

1.) Gears of War Information.
2.) Anything about The Division. I know its not coming until 2016 but I’d love to seen new vids.
3.) What Rockstar is announcing. RDR 2? New GTA (doubt it). I heard rumbles in the intrenets about bully 2.

well looks like i was right about doom, think bethesda will also announce a new dishonored.
I still think there will be some type of talk abotu titanfall… maybe just a teaser clip,
I think COD is gonna be featured in Sonys conference instead of microsofts.
looks like EA is going to show off the new NFS.
hopefully sony doesnt show off too much VR stuff
Sony bend and sony santa monica will show off new games
I DONT think rockstar will say anything about red dead… they usually dont do E3 stuff in the past
battlefront will have real gameplay footage with a demo on the floor

oh and PS4 price drop,hopefully a vita drop too.