Etheric Light Whore

I need all the Etheric Lights ever. Looking to upgrade armor and a few really old weapons. The Supremacy Sniper rifle and the Zombie Apocalypse. The Supremacy is such a great sniper, it holds 6 rounds and has firefly. That 6 round mag is so nice, especially in PvP. And I just always liked the Zombie Apocalypse, nice RoF and pretty accurate.

So, I guess I need to run a Nightfall and a level 32 PoE. So, I’m LFG tonight for both.

They have upgrade slots. Asking for 1 Etheric. Thanks for commenting.

I did three nightfalls.

No etheric light…

Has anyone gotten any etheric light yet?

What did he upgrade?

It’s a purple, legendary.

I got one last night and used it on my Titan chest armor, it didn’t drop for me until the 34 level prison.

You know nothing, Dixon Snow! Its always been purple!

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That’s the one I have. There has only been one Supremacy.

So has anyone found out the best way to farm keys yet?

Thank you captain, I meant which event, Venus, moon, skywatchers… Etc. I should have stated my question better.

same thing on the moon as well

I get the impression etheric light will be difficult to get. Sonall the weapons id hope to upgrade will probably never get to 365 damage.

Including the new HOW weapons.

One every week with each character?