Extra Life

Last year the GRG sweet potatoes raised over $3000 for the kids.

This year it looks like we may not come even close to that amount. The goal for this year was to at least match last year’s donation.

Come on people we still have time to reach our goal! Most of us piss away $10 - $25 without even thinking about it. If we all donate that much we should get a good pile of cash for the kids.

Please unpucker the wallet sphincter, pull out the debit/credit card and make a charitable donation.

Come on people! $3000! Let’s get it done!

here’s the link - http://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.team&teamID=27570

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might just be me, but link doesn’t work

Can someone post the link to the GRG Extra Life please?

added above

Thank you

looks like we added another $200 since yesterday.

a good start but we can do better.

Well I spammed an email. Hoping to get some more donations. Every little bit helps.

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