Fable Legends F2P

Looks like Fable Legends will be going free to play.

I thought about signing up for the beta, but they wanted me to allow an app access to sign into XBox Live, so I bailed out on the sign up.

yeah bungie.net and the cod app also ask for this info so they can link the account.

Really the game looks ok to me but what is really drawing me is its going to the be the first game that players on windows 10 can play with people on Xbox one. Plus its F2P.

Ok…I signed up. The wording just seemed weird compared to the Bungie and COD apps. Leave it to Molyneux to fuck up describing what his app does.

Is this another MMO?

MOBA, I think.

That would mean more to me if I was clear on the difference between MMO and MOBA.

How is Free 2 Play handled? Is it pay for convenience or pay to win?

details are vague. but they say you play the entire story to end game with out paying for anything.

Sounds like there are two options - you gain silver by playing the game, which helps you buy stuff needed to progress to the end game. Also, players have the option of buying gold with real money, which can also buy stuff that helps to progress to the end game.

Also, there will be cosmetic additions to characters. Some of those can be purchased with silver you earn in game, but some can only be purchased with gold you’d buy with real money.

i dunno… you can play the story of DC universe all the way through too, but you cant get any of the good gear cuz they limmit the amount of money you can store… in other words you can never afford the really good gear…

Have to agree Fable 3 was just utter crap.

I liked Fable 2, but 3 was shitty. Couldn’t even get into it for a little bit.

i liked 2 A LOT!!! i played 3, it was ok… played it with my girlfriend at the time which prolly caused me to play it longer than i would otherwise.

as for this… i dont think molenux or however you spell it has anything to do with this one.

Received a beta code today.

nice. that game is meh for me. probably better with friends. give it a whirl and let me know what you think? I have not played it in awhile but still have it installed. If you get on message me and i will jump over if i can.