FCC Officially Redefines Broadband Internet

I officially no longer have broadband internet.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) vote to increase the
definition of broadband internet from 4Mbps to 25Mbps download speed has
officially gone through.
At the new FCC standard of 25Mbps/3Mbps, triple the number of
households in the United States are now officially without broadband
internet – nearly 20%.
Internet service providers can also no longer claim “high-speed” internet if their services fall below the new standard.
The FCC discussed its plans to raise the broadband threshold earlier this month.
While major providers such as AT&T and Verizon have opposed even a
slight upgrade in broadband standards, the FCC still feels more could
be done.
“We are never satisfied with the status quo. We want better. We
continue to push the limit, and that is notable when it comes to
technology,” FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn told The Verge.
FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel believes the standard download speed for broadband internet should be raised to 100Mbps.
“I think anything short of that shortchanges our children, our
future, and our new digital economy,” said Commissioner Rosenworcel.


I have broadband, 50/50.

i rock 12/4 right now i think… i know 12 down, not sure about up…

out in the country I get 22/2

i could go bigger, i signed my contract like 4-5 years ago… i just havent had a need to.

So says the n00b.

75/75 here. :joy:

I don’t even know what I have anymore. My gaming works and we can stream in multiple places without issue so whatever it is works for me.

30/10 for me. I could upgrade but we haven’t had any problems. Don’t want to give the goobers any more money than I have to.

yeah im already paying $250 for phone net and tv, and i really only use the net… i think my net is $60 right now… and since it doesnt feel sluggish i plan on keeping it that way. gonna get rid of cable and see how much money i save since it wont be “bundled” anymore.

I cut the cord couple years ago. Haven’t even missed it. Well, I do miss MLB Network. That’s about it

yeah its really the rest of the house that wants to keep it… im the only one that uses hulu amazon prime and netflix. others are stuck in the stoneage

You could go with MLB.Tv

I did last season, and it was nice. I got to see a ton of games, but I miss the morning show, and the history shows, and just everything else they do.