First bits of info for Battlefront

Here it is. According to this article, here is what to expect from Star Wars: Battlefront.

“Battlefront” will focus on frenzied shoot-outs between up to 40 players portraying Rebel Alliance and Galactic Empire forces. In a demonstration of the game’s multiplayer mode, a team of jetpack-equipped rebels were shown carving their way through the woodsy Endor while Stormtroopers charged at them on foot, on speeders and within walkers, including a hulking AT-AT war machine.

Other locales teased in game footage included the snowy Hoth, sandy Tatooine and gooey Sullust, a lava-spewing planet referenced in 1983’s “Return of the Jedi,” as well as many “Star Wars” games and novels, but rarely ever seen. “Battlefront” won’t solely be centered on expendable ground troops. The game will reward sharpshooters with the ability to embody such iconic characters as bounty hunter Boba Fett and Sith baddie Darth Vader on the battlefield.

“You can storm in as the Dark Lord himself,” said “Battlefront” design director Niklas Fegraeus. “You can wield a lightsaber. You can Force choke the rebel scum, which is fun. Basically, you are the boss of the battle. This means that you, as Vader, can lead your team to victory — if you play well.”

The action will also take to the skies with players engaging in dogfights with TIE Fighters, X-wings and the Millennium Falcon, though the developers were coy about how battles would alternate between ground and air combat.

“We wanted it to feel authentic to this universe,” said “Battlefront” executive producer Patrick Bach. “You can get into these vehicles, from speeder bikes to X-wings, TIE fighters, AT-STs, AT-ATs. There’s a wide range of vehicles that we wanted to realize. The difficulty with a game is that they need to be balanced with the troops on the ground.”

“Battlefront” will also include a free downloadable level available two weeks before “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” opens in theaters Dec. 18. It’s set on Jakku, the battle-scarred desert planet glimpsed in “Force Awakens” teasers. The expansion, dubbed “Battle of Jakku,” will explore the moment following “Return of the Jedi” when the New Republic confronted Imperial holdouts on the previously unseen Outer Rim enclave.

“You never get to see it in the new movie, so it was this brilliant opportunity to recreate the Battle of Jakku, which you only see the remnants of in the movie,” said Bach. “In the game, you actually get to play the Battle of Jakku. It’s the same place from the new movie but 30 years earlier.”

Dammit…I need this game NOW!


That all sounds great

More info from Eurogamer:

DICE general manager Patrick Bach told Eurogamer Star Wars: Battlefront does not feature a campaign. Rather, it features “crafted missions” that are played solo, with a friend via split-screen offline or cooperatively online.

During battles players can switch from a first-person perspective to a third-person perspective at will. DICE said you’ll also be able to customise your characters, choosing gear, weapons and abilities - although don’t expect to be able to put a pink cape on Darth Vader.

There’s a two-player split-screen mode, and the Partner feature means two players can share experience and unlocks, and spawn at each other’s location.

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NO CAMPAIGN!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!


Being more descriptive

new info as i read it.

Star Wars Battlefront will give players the option to play as a female Stormtrooper character, according DICE general manager Patrick Bach.

"Male or female characters are separate from customization," Bach said.  The team tried to stay true to what players would want to customize within the Star Wars universe.

Reveal Trailer
"You can’t do it in crazy ways. You can’t have a pink Darth Vader," he said, saying that the game's features are designed based around what the Star Wars universe is all about. "You want the Stormtroopers to look like Stormtroopers," Back added. Given the inclusion of females in the Stormtrooper corps going back to the time of Palapatine's rule, the choice of male or female is inline with the already established canon.

Details of the Star Wars Battlefront Digital Deluxe Edition have been outlined by EA. Digital pre-orders for the game are currently open through the PlayStation store and EA's Origin service. Xbox One pre-orders are "coming soon."

Latching onto the digital deluxe edition of the game gives instant access to 5 in-game items. Two emotes exclusive to the edition, Ion Shock and Victory are available, along with Ion Grenade, Ion Torpedo, and the DL44 Blaster. You know, like the one Han Solo calls trusty when compared to hokey religions and ancient weapons.

Pre-ordering the game will also grant gamers access to the battle on the planet of Jakku a week earlier than those who didn't pre-order the game.

not sure i like this one. No space combat?! oh c’mon!!! that could be a whole mode on its own… and even tho the prequels sucked, the planets were awesome. BF2 had some of these like Kaysheek or however you spell it, was a cool map, like a beach landing type feel with tree forts.

    Star Wars Battlefront will not have space combat, nor will it launch with Prequel Trilogy era settings, vehicles, or characters.

“It’s not much about space,” Patrick Back, General Manager at DICE told IGN. “Most battles are planetary battles, so our focus right now is to make sure we only get that right. The core of Star Wars battles — the Endors, the Hoths, et cetera — you want to take that to perfection. You want to do it right.”

Bach continued, “Space is hard, right? Not from a [development] perspective, but from a logistical perspective. Is that fun? For us it doesn’t make sense to create a battle above you if you’re fighting other players who are not there to fight. Our focus is to do planetary battles.”

Battlefront Producer Craig Mcleod added, “No space battles. It’s all about the epic planetary battles and getting that right. Fighting with X-Wings and TIE Fighters, we have that. It’s taken in the atmosphere. This is something we discussed with Lucasfilm and they were happy to be on board with that.”

    DICE's Battlefront game is focused entirely on those kinds of battles — X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, Rebel Alliance vs. Empire. To that end, Bach outright said “No,” when asked if Battlefront would release with Prequel era content. The team’s goal is to accomplish a sense of authenticity best representing the first three Star Wars films.

Mcleod also explained that Battlefront would not feature planets such as Mustafar and Naboo at launch, and added, "I can’t talk exactly about what the future holds for Battlefront, but I can say we’ll definitely be supporting Battlefront post-launch. We have a long history of add-on content.”

I am salivating, been waiting for a version of this I could sink my teeth into for years. Childhood dreams could be realized. The imperial in me will save the empire by crushing those rebel scum.

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No Pink Darth Vader? I’m out.

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