Forum Story Game

This is a pretty fun forum game if everyone gets involved. All you have to do is write 3 words to continue the story. If writing someone’s name and it’s more than one word it only counts as one word. For example lala calimari would be only counted as 1 word instead of 2. Have fun with this guys, I’m interested to see how far this goes.

I’ll start with:

There once was

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a peen named tuttle

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who liked spelunking

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On men’s faces

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, and their asses

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He would cry

tears of joy

covered in sweat

And hot wax

Along came Disney

All liquored up

, looked at tuttle

winked at Tuttle

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spooned with tuttle

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Fondled the Tuttle

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And he said

Reek love Reek

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Then they ate

a peen feast

All while watching