Friend of Friend gamertags?

I looked around and couldn’t find a topic that listed the Xbox and PS FoF gamertags. Can someone list 'em for me please?

FOF tags on xbox are not needed anymore now that you can have 1000 friends.

If you need to add members the best thing to do would be to pull Lala or Grex’s friends list and add from there.

Not sure if you can do the same on PS4 but if you can pull up Audible and add from his.

One day we may have a roster page on the website, but I can’t tell you when.

Roster page is coming, lala and grex are still tweaking it. . every tuesday im making the new recruits posts from that week and the one before. i would say after 2 clan nights and the intro threads you should have everyone on your list that is active.

Okay, cool. I used FoF tags to find folks who are part of the clan…I’ll look at Lala and Grex through, as well as Audible (I’ve played some CoD with he and other folks from GRG on the PS4, so I have some of them already).


I am connected to our FoF though I must say I never look at it.

I just add everyone that posts their GT in the forum. It’s just easier. You get 1000 people, stop being lazy fucking bastards and add people.


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-New Member Directory

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