I’m a rum drinkin’, cig smokin’ Canadian just hoping to game with a chill group of dudes who can handle some filthy humour. Found you guys through the Planetside 2 PS4 subreddit. Right now I’m VS on Genudine server, but will play any faction on any server. Pumped for the addition of outfits and platoons, I mainly play as Heavy Assault and am a big team player. I’ll do whatever it takes to win and contribute to the team. Add me up if you fuckers wanna play, I’m down for both competitive and casual gaming, depending on how intoxicated I am.
Planetside 2 in-game name: TaRReDLunGZ
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It’s a purple spandex man!!! Welcome!
Welcome. We put up a poll and NC won so I believe most are with them. Not sure if anybody has mad Alts yet.
I’ve noticed a lot of love for NC. I’m down to make an alt, what server you guys play on?
And hey now, the spandex is great for showing off my man boobs and beer gut, the ladies love it.
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Welcome! Damn, with all these new people we should be able to get a magnificent squad of freedom going. PSN: AlphaMack
Just sent requests to both of you fuckers. Made a new character yesterday for NC on Genudine currently BR9.
What’s up guys. I played the planet side demo but forget the mechanics and the flow of the game. Anyone willing to take me under their wing. I’m pretty useful up until my 4th beer
Not a problem, we can teach you the ropes.
Psn audible__silence