So the headline says 8/12… maybe this update is for tomorrow?? that would certainly be awesome!!!
Server Adjustments:
Players on Rashnu will now be playing on Lithcorp.
Players on Searhus will now be playing on Crux.
Players on Xelas will now be playing on Palos.
Small arms do less damage to Valkyries
Valkyrie bottom armor increased to 50%
Increased weapon thermal range from 50 to 200
Sunderer Cloak
Sunderer stealth cert line has been expanded, a new fifth cert has been added that when equipped not only provides all the perks of rank 4 stealth but also generates a cloaking bubble when deployed that cloaks all friendly infantry within it.
Infiltrator Cloaking Pass
Infiltrator cloaks now have additional states based on movement.
Crouching no change
Crouch walking is now much less visible
Standing is now less visible
Running is slightly less visible
Small damage increase to ground vehicles
Increased initial projectile speed from 50 to 60
Increased max projectile speed from 180 to 220
Increased projectile acceleration from 0.75 to 1.25
Vehicle stealth no longer prevents rockets from seeking
Rifles got a bunch of changes, not formatting that shit… too much work…
Directives Screen
Track our your progress with the games many directives with the new directive screen
New Directive
A new social directive has been added. Check it out for the chance to earn an in game reward.
Platinum Pack Bundle:
Get access to three platinum NS weapons and start making progress in
your Exceptional Weapon Directives with this limited time offer.
BUG FIXES (again with the formatting…)