Ello Ello…its the weekend yet again and coming in at number 28 means we are just into the 2nd half of the year.
So what are you playing this weekend? Who has their wings, pizzas, and soda pop ready to go? Which one of you bums are going away for the weekend and taking a break from gaming?
With the steam sale in the past and other digital sales happening. Many of us have picked up quite a few games…Whether your finally trying them, loading up a oldie, or looking for a GRG gathering around a specific game…Get your thoughts out here on the forums.

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So for me game wise, will be playing a few steam games I have purchased.
- Homeworld Remastered
- Transformers : Warfor Cybertron
- Spintires
Xbox One will be on a few MP games and putting a few hours into SP games I have let dust collect on.
- OverWatch
- Diablo 3
- Marvel Heroes Omega
- Paladins
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
- Final Fantasy XV
Definitely a few games there but with the Gamer ADD…its easy to switch up. IRL, gotta help a buddy move out (sold his house) and probably throw some type of BBQ together.
All of the games I’m potentially playing are multiplayer in some aspect. That’s a big change for me.
- PUBG (and failing horribly)
- Miscreated
- Wurm Unlimited
- 7 Days to Die
Aside from that, I’ll try working on my magnum opus, a feat of game development that will probably never see the light of day because I’m lazy.
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I’m off Saturday and Sunday. Beer, BBQing some burger right now and going to hop on some Overwatch after I stuff my feed hole. Probably play some with the kid when he gets home tomorrow and have a chill couple days off.
No clue about gaming yet but smoking another pork butt tomorrow!!!
- Euro Truck Simulator 2
- Spintires
Xbox One
- Ghost Recon Wildlands
- Star Trek Online
And anxiously awaiting the Logitech G920 driving wheel, Logitech G Driving Force Shifter, Wheel Stand Pro, and a Cambio Step 1 shifter mod made by some guys in Italy. That stuff should arrive just in time for next weekend.
Packing for the trip to FL on Sunday, but when I can will be putting in some time on Paladins.
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its humid down here…forewarning lol
Haven’t quite decided yet, ran out of story content on the ME Andromeda trial I was playing yesterday.
still trying to limit spending, so either PUBG (need to get much, much better) or another of my older titles that I’ve not finished yet.
Working today and going to bed early. Gotta get up at 6 tomorrow nd drive 90 minutes to coach all day at my son’s Softball Tourney.
So, I may play a little tonight, but not sure.
Convinced the wife to finally try GOT a week ago and now she’s halfway through season 3, and I have been watching episodes here and there with her. May just do that and go to sleep early.
May jump on D3 or eso on the Xbox this evening. Going hiking today, and then have the company picnic at the football stadium tomorrow, followed by the dragon fest in Chinatown. Come home, watch GoT, then pass out, I’m sure.
I’m heading home now. May get on in a couple hours if you’re still on.