Gaming Weekend - Who's playing what this weekend? 6/1 - 6/3

PC: Albion Online

Xbox: Sea of Thieves

and ofc Gamer A.D.D. allows for random gaming at anytime.

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@Capnsadiq I’ve already got Summerset pre-ordered, and am ready to rock it. I’m always down for ESO. I’ll drop GTA like a fat kid throwin’ out the veggies for ESO… or Destiny for that matter.


I’ll look for you guys as well.


Man. I might be late to getting summerset. But there’s plenty other content. How do you feel about tryna organise a weelky game to run public dungeons or something? @ixL0N3W0LFxi

Thank you. I had a lot of fun and I look forward to doing it again.