Garden of Salvation XBOX Raid 9pm Saturday 11/2


We are back at it with a beautiful new Vex raid being compared to the Vault of glass.
We made great progress last week…lets get it done this week

  • The Raid is 940… (be at least 930 please)
  • Please educate yourself (YouTube etc.) the more you know the better it is for the group (see above)
  • Signed up people gets spots before show ups (and showing up is fine but hard to plan for)
  • If we have more than one team running (more than 2 full groups last week) i will try to balance the teams but keep ppl together that want to run together (think @Sniper_T1 and @Destroyert1 ) I will fail please don’t yell at me, it will hurt my feelings
  • we had like 16 people last week…this is more than 2 teams but less than 3, we had 2 parties of 6-8 ppl and rotated people in and out as some lost connection or had to go to bed. we may do this again
  • Our goal to get our GRG guardians comfortable with working with each other and having a good time.


I’m down

I’m in.

I am in. Had a blast last run.

@destinyplayers please signup so i can make lists

I’m in.

Unless I say otherwise, I’ll be on for some tater raiding.

Ruttedclown (ALT)
Jordanxxxl (ALT)
capt gmoney (ALT)