Ghost recon wildcard beta sign up

Calling all ghosts sign up and see if you make the cut

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Registered. I think I already did register but won’t hurt to do it again. Want to try out this game as I’m not sure what else is coming in the spring.

looks like i already registered… woot! it’ll tell you if you’ve done it already

I’m waiting to see if it lives up to the hype or not. Ubisoft been on a roll. Can they keep it up?

My bad on the title damn autocorrect on my phone

Looks like I’m already signed up, but thanks @quantumklutz for getting that link in the forums so we can be sure to get in the beta.

I’m expecting a Division style game in a fully open world environment.

Me too but I think it is straight co-op no pvp unless they have added it

It’s is. Straight co-op, no pvp, no gear score bullshit. Just straight up grab your favorite gear and go. Supposed to be lots of customization for your toon.


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Registered. Thanks to @quantumklutz for the link :slight_smile:

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