Ghost Recon Wildlands Beta Squad up 2/3 - 2/6

Starting a thread for folks to squad up and play some of the Ghost Recon Wildlands Beta. Who has it and and when are you playing it? Let’s get some Co-Op action going.

I should be on later tonight. I’ll start an open XBox Party if one isn’t already going.

I played a little earlier before work.

Loaded straight in and had no issue bar a little jarring audio on one of the cutscenes.
Gameplay was smooth and didn’t spot any bugs (only played about 20 minutes though).

Can already see it is better with friends.
I ran with the AI group of 3.

One of my team was crouch-walking across the open about 2m from an enemy and the enemy turned around, spotted him, dropped the thing he was carrying, pulled a gun and then I had to shoot him since none of my team seemed to react.

Downloaded it last night. I should be on a bit today and tonight also. Someone sent me an invite code already, thank you, @Grex!

So of course today I wake up with an email containing my Beta code since I signed up. If I can give it away I will. Does anyone know if I can give mine away? It says I have 3 invites as well but when I try to open that page it says “You do not have access to this page at this time”. Hopefully it’s just an error on their end. Will try again later and update on Beta invite thread.

Yes, you can give the code away.

I will be on maybe tonight, but for sure Saturday.

Should still work.
I got that page so many times today but a few times it loaded.

I seemed to have more luck when using this link.

I’ll be playing randomly over the weekend. If you see me on jump in my game or send and invite.

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I’ll be on in the evenings

I will be playing tonight and am Westcoast so if you night owls are still on hit me up

Plan on being on all weekend too

Downloading right now…so this weekend since there is no forza, already gave the wife a heads up that I am shooting digi trons whether in space or with a gun all weekend.

Ill be on today and this evening

Downloading now as well. I thought my XBox was set to auto download. Guess not. Doesn’t matter as I’m heading out to my kid’s last home game.

I set up a GRG Task Force as well

You can access it here

I sent out invites to those of you on my uplay friends list.


thanks @shortbus

Played a little bit. MEH.

That was my experience too Shadow MEH Then again I feel like that is my response to most “next gen” games except BF1 and Titanfall 2 maybe its me.

I thought it was a last gen game that was quickly ported to next gen. Cut scenes are awful, the characters are very wooden, dialogue and mouth movements are so off, and graphics look like crap. I guess I was expecting the Division quality graphics and movement but got none of that.

I’ve only messed around with single player campaign and it was for 3 hours. I had fun. It’s a smooth beta with some definite need for fixes. The dialogue to mouth movement is like watching a bad stream of a tv show, and vehicle and flying controls need some definite improvement. I think the game has a lot of potential.

My only real concern is that the missions will become repetitive like The Divsion did with theirs. I’m hoping for more dynamic gameplay but I’ll pick this game up for sure.

It’s amusing as a light-hearted coop shooter.
Try driving bikes downhill.

It’s basically Just Cause meets Tom Clancy with most of the Just Cause elements retained.

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I think I played for about 2 hours. The first hour I played dress up! That’s always fun…playing with virtual dolls. The next hour was like 45 minutes of running and driving, 10 minutes of cut-scenes and less than 5 minutes shooting people who are no longer allowed into America. Fun stuff!

Might be on…added your Tag. XB1 GT - GhstWlkrs