I will be giving this game a try tonight about 7:00pm central time. For anyone who has it and wants to join. @ps4players
Thanks man lol it wouldn’t let me click it.
I will be on a bit later so I’ll look for you then!
Okay cool. I believe @SoInZane has it as well.
I’ll hop on and play for sure
If I’m around I can jump on, been awhile since I played Wildlands
Good stuff. I am still a bit of a newb in the game, but I freakin love it.
FYI, I have more of a slow and steady play style. I like to tag all my enemies, then slowly start syncing and taking them out from a distance. I’ll close in and mop up if needed, or call in some rebels to distract while I gain intel, etc.
Works for me I like sneak attacks!
I usually focus on this playstyle, right up until I fuck it up and then I have to run in to clean up…
Same. My intent is always to be unseen but slip ups happen and you have to send in the big guns!
Also, MP should be a blast if we can squad up. I like the tactical approach it has and you just can’t run and gun!
Let me know how this turns out and who gets on. I’m trying to see who our active ps4 members are.
@Scuba_Steve1984 and I gave up the Wildlands life and took up a simple life of extreme tractor mountain climbing
@lolo_0420 @SoInZane @Scuba_Steve1984 and myself were all on
I took up a brief career in extreme downhill motogp myself in one of my first GRW games.
That surprisingly went quite well. I mean, I didn’t die. That’s the measure right?
We need to hop on and run some PVP next time @TNTx86 @lolo_0420 @Scuba_Steve1984
How many have this on Xbox? I have GRW on XBox, but I feel like the bigger presence is on PS.