I think I’ll grind out Hudson and Resistance along with mixing in Underground and Lexington this event
I have been running the Queens Tunnel Camp mission over and over. You can run this on Challenging getting 850 GC per run. If you up it to Covert Assault or higher you get an extra 125 GC. You can get through it pretty quickly <10 mins with a good group.
Watch out for the bleed while moving.
Pro-Tip: You get a damage buff if you are standing still. when you start moving that damage buff disappears and you start to take damage. Stop moving to get the buff back.
There is one mission that has a legendary setting but no way i have the gear to run that effectively.
There is that or incursions for more GC. Other missions dont give enough.
I’ve been running the Times Square mission. It’s a quick easy run. The gains aren’t to good though. For grins I tried legend and made it past first part. Then got instantly curb stomped on the street.
Do queens tunnel on challenging. It isn’t the best bhut it pays alright
@ReaperMan10 drug me unwillingly through Lexington. Still no fucking Barrets chest. I’ve done this mission a million times and that fucking thing will not drop for me.
I did earn enough for 3 superior caches and got 4 classifieds from it. Shooting for an Alpha Bridge and Firecrest set I think.
You can get the chest piece from the event caches or exotic caches more then the Lexington mission. The main thing is the GE credits for the superior event caches
Regret not getting back into the game before the GE hit. It’ll take until the time it’s over for me to get my gear level up to where I’d be looking to actually get pieces that won’t be replaced. Oh well…c’est la vie I suppose…
Try to run events with geared up people. Lexington is easy mode and if you run at top tier you should see decent drops.
Ran Lexington with a random group this morning for about an hour and a half. Managed to earn enough for six superior caches and got my first event mask. So far I have four pcs of tacticians classified gear and two pcs of firecrest classified. Still looking for that alpha bridge six pcs but alas nothing yet. So the grind continues on.
Lexington takes no time now. We were blowing through runs in under 10 minutes (probably quicker).
Got get that grind on
I won’t be on tonight (winter concert at HS) but hopefully tomorrow night and then DEFINITELY Friday night and through weekend. Will be on lookout for you guys (except Lala…).
i keep getting tactician classified gear from the boxes, and of course Marco puts out a vid why tactician is not that good.
I’m getting AlphaBridge and Firecrest. I’d love a set of both.
I was watching some videos and the Weekly HVTs are a good quick way of getting GE credits. Plus, it’s not fucking Lexington. Also, Clear Sky Incursion is supposed to be quick and it gives an Exotic cache as well.
@Lala_Calamari its just raining Barrett’s chest for me.
WTF Grex has a male toon? The world ending soon?
i know whats up with that.