Good Times, Fun Times

First Destiny Community Night for me last night.
The Destiny crack has got me hooked
Had a blast!
Thanks for the help @D1G1TALC1PHERS, @anon42851937, @TexasReaperCrew and @Disneynut68


Did you do PvE or did you go into the Crucible?

We did mostly PvE, doing some of the TTK story.
You looked like you had a good group doing Crucible work.
Since I am behind I was happy to just help out and level up.

We’re on almost every night, let’s do it again

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We didn’t have enough for crucible. It was just Shortbus and I the majority of the time. Sent plenty of invites, no one was interested in joining. Texas and Disney didn’t want to play with us. I see why Texas didn’t, he jumped in with you guys. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I’ll be on tonight after 10:00pm. Trying to get those radium flakes or get into a raid… whatever.

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Trawl around the starting area on the Dreadnaught patrol for the Hadium flakes, got mine in about an hour whilst slapping adds in the face.

Also, if you know or spot a Nightstalker finding chests then follow them, they can use a class perk to show nearby chests on their minimap.

Unless I get dragged out the house I’ll be on tonight. I’m gonna wanna catch up so who ever is down to help me with VoG, Crota’s End and what ever the nightfall is for house of wolves, let me know. I wanna finish all that before I start TTK.

I’m on PS4 and my tag is AshyBone_B

That might be a tough sell as everyone moved on to TTK and are focusing on that raid.

Ya I figured. I’m not really in a big rush anyway so I’ll probably keep spamming Destinylfg and see if I can come up with anything. My main focus right now is getting 13 strange coins by tomorrow so I can get a Hawkmoon from Xur this weekend.

@AshyBone if I was on the PS4 I would be happy to help you out, but I am on the XB1

I will probably be on around 10pm EST tonight and for a few tomorrow.
Hope to see some of you guys out there.

Added you to my friends list.

I found a Yellow Shader. Bumble Bee Armor for this guy.

@TexasReaperCrew, @D1G1TALC1PHERS - I got my Titan up to Lvl 40 and my LL is around 200.
No I can play in all the reindeer games!

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Nice, that means you should crucible with us tonight!

Is the raid on tonight? I’d like to run either court of oryx or nightfall

@TexasReaperCrew @Lala_Calamari - I will be on tomorrow night for sure, Raid with you window lickers then!

Man… Why you guys gotta do all the fun shit at night during the week. We should all be cool and do stuff on the weekends so I can join.

Where is this Lobby? I’ll keep an eye out for it. This weekend I plan on doing the Gunsmith Bounties or what ever their called then maybe run through the TTK story mode. Then its on to after game content for me.

@AshyBone Just look for parties with GRG members in them.

Join, ask if they got room, if they say no tell them to fuck off, find new party, rinse and repeat until you find a group. If no group is to be found message a team lead ( I am sure any other member would help also) an let them know you are looking to get in to a game.

Just remember Destiny doesn’t make it easy on us. Only 3 per fireteam makes trying to get everyone in a game tough. It is why we say just jump in to a party. It is easier to figure out from there.