Google Music increases storage to 50,000 songs

Google increased the amount of songs you can save on Google Play Music from 20,000 to 50,000. For those who don’t know, this is a great place to store your Die Antwoord discography! I use this as a good place to back up my MP3s. I’m at 4700 now but have a ton more to upload.

The bump in available space is easy to take advantage of, and applies automatically if you’re already hosting your collection in Google’s cloud. If you haven’t yet used Google Play Music’s locker service, however, it’s pretty easy to get started, using the instructions provided by Google below:

  1. Sign in to Google Play Music with your Google account – Go to your computer and visit Google Play Music is no longer available. Sign up if needed.
  1. Claim your free storage – If you’d like to try the Google Play music subscription service too, click “Get Started”. Otherwise, click “No Thanks” to continue with the free storage.
  2. Add your music collection – The setup process will guide you through adding the Chrome app*, which provides seamless uploading. You can choose to simply upload your entire iTunes library or select other music folders. You can upload 50,000 songs for free.
  3. Access your music at any time on multiple devices – You can stream or download music to your Android, iPhone, or iPad for easy offline listening. It’s also all available on the web when you’re on your computer. And when you upgrade to a new computer or the latest mobile device, your music comes along too. You’ll never be without your favorite artists again!

*Not using Chrome? The setup process at step 3 will instead guide you through installing Music Manager where you can still add 50,000 songs.


Good to know, I used this service a lot. It’s always on at work.

hm… dont think ive ever bothered with this… i think all my music is less than 20 gigs…

I have a decent library but pretty much rely on streaming Spotify and Slacker now.