Okay, is it just me or what? How do you guys have an avatar? I’ve gone to Gravatar and set it up, but all I have is this ugly ass B.
I’m assuming your email on gravatar is the same for this site?
Odd, Gravatars don’t seem to be working. They were. @Grex, are you playing?
Also, I have 2 avatars set in Gravatar. I wonder if you can choose one for this site, and another for any other site.
hmmm not sure why they would stop working. maybe clear you avatar from your profile see if it comes back. Mine seems to be working.
IDFK I cleared it, made a new one still nothing. Maybe I will try making a new account.
no dont do that. i think it might be something else
Okie dokie
@anon36214017 just ran a process to force an update to all gravatars. yours has gone blank. not sure if the system just does not like yours or its not set on your account.
I’m not sure why but the forums never update gravatars. The forums don’t poll gravatar every time you sign on, it downloads it and saves the avatar.
I’m not sure why they do it that way. And why it never rechecks. I think we might have to open a support ticket with the forum designers.
Wordpress will grab the latest gravatar every time you visit the site, the way it should be.
I’m having the same issue.
me too
Ok i fixed the issue. it was a setting issue. you can now refresh your gravatar icon from you profile page. click on edit gravatar and you should see plus a refresh button. I fixed the ones on this thread already myself.
Yeah! It works now, thanks Grex!
Grex = Customer/Technical support guru.