GRG Call of Duty Tournament Teams

Teams have been picked for the Tournament this Wednesday night. Everyone make sure to have everyone else on their Friends list (should have this already). You have a night to practice and get your shit together.

Team 1

Captain: @Grex

Team 2

Captain: @Lala_Calamari
@trcannon (Giddy)

Team 3

Captain: @beers_and_leafs

Team 4 ** Living Legends **

Captain: @mnvikesfan
@EnyoBellona (Ghstwlkrs)


Let’s Gooooo Team 3! Cootermcgavin sucks GL team 1

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Alright Team 1 (#1 winners) lets group up tonight and run some games together. Who is going to be on?

@Kylelanky is actual trash.


Sure. Why the heck not

Disgusting strategy…

@beers_and_leafs should we steal this plan :point_up:

Ugh missed it

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I will be on between 8 and 9 if the download finishes by then.

Sign up to be a sub. We may need some.

Team 2, first off. We need a name change. Our new name is:


I will be on tonight teaching you the MLG ways to win and dominate the lesser teams. I will also demonstrate the correct way to teabag or c-slam your opponents. There’s proper form to be learned (bend at the knees, maintain eye contact, etc.).

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I’m on board with being on tonight. What game modes are part of the tournament?

I will be on tonight for sure, say around 8pm but could be on earlier.

TBD. It will be a mix of Core and HC and mostly Objective games.
We are looking for ideas from the community.

Okay Mooseknuckle Mafia let’s get together tonight.

I will be on for or just before 9:30.



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@beers_and_leafs put me in coach, I’ll be on then too.

Changing my name to “massive moose”

My fantays hockey team name is massive mooseknucle

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You tagged the wrong Soul @Lala_Calamari