GRG Call of Duty WW2 Tournament 11/29 Sign Ups Thread

How are teams picked and what modes. I’d like to sign up but work schedule is a bitch I’ll have to get that one night off.

Well, if any curly toed, potato shooting @PlayStationPlayers want to get something going, let me know and I’ll throw together a formal list.

Teams are picked scientifically…

WTF? This is GRG, we half ass it. I’m not sure on game modes just yet. I might start a thread asking for requests.

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Only request is to be on @FetalInjury team, that’s right gonna stomp some fools.

Edited OG Post.

PS. @Scuba_Steve1984 is trying to get something rolling for the @PlayStationPlayers group. If at the very least run a night of Free For All. We’ll try to come up with some special “GRG” Game modes for that. Don’t miss out!

I’m in. Yeee HAAAWWW! :cowboy_hat_face:

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In like Flynn. Will captain a team as well.


Oh im bout it bout it foo!

Can I get @Gunny and @HAWKLANDER on my team? I feel like their actual real experience in WW2 will help really take us to the top.


Where’s the thumbs down? Least I have a real tourney award…


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Sign me up for the tournament. Going to take a vacation day off so I can team kill Digital.


Shit. I’m going to be out of town.

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I’ll be your Huckleberry Xbox One

No fucking shit its my Birthday also

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Sure. Why not.

That’s the spirit.


I’m in :cold_sweat:

I’m game

Looks like we can get 4 teams of 5 players for the XBox side. Just confirming that everyone will be here!
Also bump for the @codplayers and @PlayStationPlayers



Need more PS4 people to sign up for this!


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Barring anything happens family wise, I will be there.