GRG Clan Night. Oh Captain My Captain Edition.

It’s our usual Wednesday night shenanigans. This time with our own Lala Calamari running PVP in TESO and Beers_And_Leafs will be running our CoD side. Over on the PS4 side of the spectrum Tuttle will be running the Rocket League room while Audible Silence will be running the Planetside 2 room. Oh and invite those newbies. This is our “social” night.

Originally published at:

I will be running a PvP room for ESO tonight sometime after 9 PM. Make sure to join or guest on the Versidue-Shae Non-Veteran campaign. I think that’s an easier campaign to get in on.

I can’t guarantee us success, loot or keep captures but I can guarantee that I will get you all killed, run you off cliffs and wander aimlessly all night! :wink:

Cyrodiil it is

Prob start on PS then move to RL

Sorry. Out this week fellas. Wont be on.

Got into Versidue-Shae easy last night, hope have same success minus system maintenance bull shoot.

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Cool. BTW, I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing in Cyrodiil. I’m hoping one of you fuckers can help out as well.

Shit I thought we were leaning on you to guide us

I’ll be on Planetside for at least the first Alert. should be getting on around 8pm. The alerts this week have been from 8pm-10pm. and then 1230-230

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I will be playing COD AW . Just to keep Beers inline and put a stop to " How great Canada is " propaganda unless he brings he brings the woman with the big boobs in the game ( from his pic post made on Canada Day ) , in which case I will sing " Oh Canada " and agree with him .


Yes you all are !!!

I’m hoping to get home by 9. I would suggest grg start grouping up and queueing cyrodiil as soon as you can. Don’t wait for me.

I’ll be on rocket league as usual!
No beer tonight though…I hate getting paid every other week

Great, going to have to depend on me for goals in RL


Running late be on soon

Good times last night with eight people showing up for clan night including Alicat from the Playstaition side . We played a few gun games , infected , 1 VS 1 and went into Big team battle . Good times had by all .