GRG CoD Tournament 11/29 Teams, Rules and Game Schedule.

Agreed. The potential was definitely there. I run Ghost War with @Ripply, @SALT and @necrofraggle and we do well, but it does take practice. Good times! :+1:

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So, sorry about hopping in a random room last night. I honestly forgot we were having the tourney. I’ve been busy. Glad to be a part though. Good times!

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Don’t be sorry for that, fuck these guys


Well, when I say sorry, I really mean I don’t care.

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Why do you have to hurt me so…


Ghost war is soooooo much better. Just watch out for cactus!!!


Frigg’n Cacti!!! Like a brick wall!

Hit up @xxxNAILBUNNYxxx as he plays that as well.

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Ghost Wars is fun but so is this as well. Its hard to throw a bunch of randoms together even if they are all in a community. There is no way to balance every team or connection. Take it all in stride shoot the shit and each other.
Well at least thats what I kept telling myself while Vikes team was kicking our ass, Im sure there were some fun expletives coming from my mic. I do try to filter myself but an ass kicking is an ass kicking. COD one game you feel like a god the next like an newb with a 4G wifi connection.

Nice games all and Congrats to the winners well played


Good games ya’ll I had a great time last night and havent laughed so much in a hot minute! I look forward to the next tournament.


Good times last night for sure. As far as my game play, started off great and went downhill but glad to be a meat shield for my teammates. Thanks for putting this together, now where’s my participation trophy?

My team, Team Special Needs, got the participation award. You guys earned a gold star.