Just a reminder that tonight is GRG’s community night. Obviously the main focus for most will be some Iron Banner action. Can you be the leader of your tater group?
We’ll also have some guys running Battlegrounds, Forza 7, Fortnite, and various other games. Let us know what you’re playing and party up. Don’t game alone!
If someone doesn’t mind carrying me through (not even sure if I’m a level that can even do iron banner, level 20 240 little blue box level) I’d love to join or just anything. I’ll be on from 5:15 eastern time until whenever I’m sick of people’s
I will be on D2 again playing IB probably for sure and finishing the flashpoint. @Need_Rounds_Now and I got robbed last night so to speak. We were at 95% did a public event and after it we both were still at 95% completion. Anyone ever had that happen to them before? I will complete it tonight. It was just strange.