GRG Community Night 10/4

Just a reminder that tonight is GRG’s community night. Obviously the main focus for most will be Destiny 2. Can you be the leader of your tater group?

We’ll also have some guys running Battlegrounds, Forza 7, maybe some BF1 and various other games. Let us know what you’re playing and party up. Don’t game alone!

@DestinyPlayers @codplayers @BattlefieldPlayers @PCGamers @PlayStationPlayers

I will be on playing some D2 @DestinyPlayers for NF or Raid or whatever

If anyone else on Xbone wants to take a crack send me an inv tonight and we can get a group together. I know there’s a lot of y’all like me that haven’t even tried it yet. For any players who wants to drop in and practice some of the mechanics without a sweaty high schooler shouting abbreviations at you just send a message if you see me on later

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i should be on. sometime around 9pm est. for Raid or NF.

BTW…240 LL for NF is BullShit. they need to tone that down or bump that number way the fuck up.

I will be on for the Raid or Crucible. I can run until 11ish, I will give NF a try if we have any interest. Sounds easier to get loot out of the Raid though.

Ill be on most of evening Nightfall or raid all good

I’ll be on tonight also. Let’s put together a fireteam and try to cheese the NF… or play crucible.

#DoItLive #GetSalty:

I’ll be on Xbox playing D2 most of the night, if you see me on feel free to join or send an invite. If my party gets locked for any reason just ask to come in. Up for anything but definitely hoping to get the nightfall knocked out on at least one of my toons.

If y’all are gonna do a newbie night for the raid… might show for that but I literally have never tried it before so it’ll probably be a hilarious fucking disaster. Always game for crucible, really loving it this time around.

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Adding you and Big Sack Dragon to FL on XBL.

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Ill be on xbone fo sho. NF or raid would be dope. I’ll see whats going on.

Anyone interested in some Fortnite BR tonight? I’ll be on around 8:30 central.

Managed to complete NF today with 2 strangers and 3:33 left (no cheese). Took 5 attempts. I will be on tonight for some more torture. Xbone.

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I’ll be on, I’m in clan 2. I haven’t done leviathan yet, but I’ve done some strikes. 280 Warlock.

Good times tonight with @MmmWargasm. RAN some Flashpoint, Milestones and Strikes. Yeah for left coast people!


Sorry for being a no-show last night. Had a monster migrane, ended up passing out on the couch.

At different times ran Milestones and Crucible with @ixL0N3W0LFxi, @big_sack_dragon, @BrambledWhiskey, @ezekielJP. We all picked up some gear and maybe even a level or two.

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Sorry I didn’t make it as well. My son had some Geometry he needed help with, and well…I haven’t done that shit in over 30 years.