GRG Community Night 12/13 - PBUG / CoD / Destiny 2 / Ark - All the Games!

If you take UTC -5 and add UTC +12 the you subtract mountain time you will have your answer. It really isn’t that complicated.

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We only acknowledge Embiid Standard Time.

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Got it. So the answer is wentz. See you then.

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No… The answer is foles! You lose

I refuse to give up a fellow farmer lol

Kahuda is still looking for her Dad however.

Good times exploring a bit in Ark tonight with @TheBodyFarmer and krakos.

We ran a PUBG party. Had @mnvikesfan, @APMech12, @D1G1TALC1PHERS, @DuvalFunk, @Bigfish, and @MrWhiskerBizkit.

Some good games. Last round blew as we couldn’t find shit. We lasted a long time but most of us had just pistols. Just zero luck that round.

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Good games! Gotta be full squad of four, unfortunately, but was fun. When everyone jumped off, I did a solo and landed near a hospital where there were lots of weapons and vehicles.

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@LudwigVonTokkenTakke, @Scuba_Steve1984, @gingernatz, me and some other guy (friend of Ludwig?) were on Destiny 2.

Running through the last mission on Mercury, the Adventures, then the Heroic Adventure.
Some PEs on Mercury, then figuring out how the Lost Prophecy stuff works.

Did some Heroic Strikes, Flashpoint and Crucible earlier too.

Good times!

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Good times tonight. Game is a blast. The loot system is a bit wonkie as our last game we found nothing but pistols and sadness. Overall a decent $30 preview game.

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Well, I’m surrounded by Team Special Needs.

How hard is it to coordinate jumping from the plane?

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Not hard at all. Just press the button and let everyone else know you jumped!


It was certainly fun making fun of the final boss. I still had this nagging feeling that this “expansion” just felt empty and boring. The story missions were just way too easy and predictable… Some of the bosses in the adventures were tougher than GNR final boss in the expansion. This did not do Destiny 2 and justice…

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Not as hard as the just hit the start button challenge in the menus.

Menus are tough.

I remember trying to get one particular item on D2 and grinded for a fair bit, then I went to titan, PE’s wouldn’t give me jack so I ended up getting at least 7-8 of the ten I needed out of chests.

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Ever figure out how to invert the controller?

Yes he did. It was the first setting under “SETTINGS”.

I’m often embarrassed to say I run GRG…

To be honest, the controls aren’t intuitive. You have to hold down the menu button to bring up the settings. If you just press the button once, it brings up inventory.