GRG Community Night - 4/11/18

It’s time for our community night! We sure don’t have a shortage of games to play now. Take your pick, or play all of them throughout the night. We’ll have parties all over the place.

So let us know what you’re playing and when you’ll be on. Let’s squad up and kick some ass! Don’t game alone!

@PlayStationPlayers @OverwatchPlayers @SoTPlayers @ESOPlayers @DivisionPlayers @BattlefieldPlayers @PUBGPlayers @codplayers @ArkPlayers @DestinyPlayers @PCGamers @ForzaPlayers

I’ll be on but got no ps plus so f2p for me tonight

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I will most likely be on later in the evening. Far Cry 5 or Siege will probably be the flavor of the night. Unless I get distracted by COD or Wildlands.

I was hoping for some 6v6 Iron Banner but @valiantvictory’s game let me down…

I’ll most likely be on CoD WW2 on XB1, maybe PUBG but I could be talked into running ESO dungeons if we can get a squad going. (but you fuckers have to reply here.)

Yes since there is no IB…I’ll be playing ESO with the regular GRG potatoes (we’ll take screenshots for proof) …My toon is still in the 30’s so no vet dungeons but I suspect @ezekielJP @ixL0N3W0LFxi will be there as well

I have shit to do tonight, but I am going to try my best to be on COD for 9 tonight.

I’ll be on tonight, wanting to farm Nightfall’s for the DFA. So any @DestinyPlayers need NF hit me up. :slight_smile:

If I get on tonight, looking to try out the new Overwatch mode.

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I will be on Tera at first but will switch over to MW2 on Xbox.

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@OverwatchPlayers Group up fuckers.

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Your not the boss of me!!!

I really have no clue what I am going to play. 99% done with FC5 campaign. Just need to punch a bull in the face. Unless someone wants to co-op. I could tell you more of what I am not going to play that what I am going to play.

A Fortnite buddy? I’ll have to spam you sometime to get some matches in. We don’t have many Fortnite players here (on xbox at least).

I’d go tonight but I’ll probably already get sucked into CoD.

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I vote Fortnite BR on PS4.

They dropped an update today, I’ll post patch notes when I get home unless someone else beats me to it.

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I want to try out that fort grenade.

Not sure but they still work with the 4 player squads. You can’t get 20 people together.

I think I just broke into 20 so not high enough level yet to run with you big dogs who are 50. I know, I know I need to grind more and power level.

If no one is around on ESO I will likely join @unobtainaballs on some Fortnite or be on The Division killing rogues.

What’s the deal with the 6v6? Did they cancel it?

Down for ESO, Destiny 2 (if there’s 6v6) or fortnite 50v50!