GRG Community Night 5/23/18

It’s time for our community night! Games, games, games everywhere! Take your pick, or play all of them throughout the night. We’ll have parties all over the place.

The GRG shiny penny of the week is State of Decay 2.

So let us know what you’re playing and when you’ll be on. Let’s squad up and kick some ass! Don’t game alone!

@PlayStationPlayers @OverwatchPlayers @SoTPlayers @ESOPlayers @DivisionPlayers @battlefieldplayers @PUBGPlayers @codplayers @ArkPlayers @destinyplayers @PCGamers @forzaplayers

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I am a maybe tonight. If i do get on it will probably be COD or Paladins.

RL has been a PITA lately.

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Depending on other responses here looking at either Conan or State of Decay 2.


I’ll be on for some COD tonight @codplayers

Probably Ark on my Xbox server unless a GTAV group gets going. Ark server is open to all GRG.

Destiny 2…show up group up…there is iron banner and discussion of 2 different raid experiences and all that other light level stuff…I would try to organize in advance but maybe energy is better spent tonight in chat matching ppl…or you can call-out your preferences here and find others that want to group

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Had fun last night in H1Z1 so I will likely be on that again. Might also be on some IB in D2 or in The Division for the Onslaught Global Event. Needless to say I will be on playing something and all are welcome to join or I will join on someone if you already have a party started.

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I will be on. I am down for SOD2, GTA5, or Conan. If none of those work out I may give H1z1 a go on PS4.


GTA for me.

D2 for the IB. I should be on by 8 est if anyone wants to run milestones before we group up for the IB.

I’m looking into SOD2, maybe H1Z1 if no one is on SOD2.

You fucker


I’ll be on that sweet cod crack but may have to duck out if the hockey game is super interesting

H1z1 is on ps4?!?

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And ill probably be on SOD2

I have work tonight sadly I’ll be on tomorrow night though

Had a good time in SOD2 with @D1G1TALC1PHERS @CaptainPeeJ and @MrWhiskerBizkit. Then hopped over to co-op a few minutes with @anon36214017 while @anon42851937 acted like he was downloading the game.


Had a good time in H1Z1 with @lolo_0420 @forch124 his brother and others. The matchmaking and queuing of games is still pretty awful (yes it is a beta still i know) but once in the match it is really fun. We managed a few top 10’s and even a top 5 group finish I think. lolo uhmmmm had gun issues in one of the matches where his gun forgot how to shoot bullets :wink: good times though


The game did download after @anon3687162 was about to turn into a pumpkin, but I had a lot of fun with @anon36214017 and @Rlile11 in State of Decay 2.