GRG Community Night 6/13/18

It’s time for our community night! Games, games, games everywhere! Take your pick, or play all of them throughout the night. We’ll have parties all over the place.

So let us know what you’re playing and when you’ll be on. Let’s squad up and kick some ass! Don’t game alone!

@PlayStationPlayers @OverwatchPlayers @SoTPlayers @ESOPlayers @DivisionPlayers @battlefieldplayers @PUBGPlayers @codplayers @ArkPlayers @destinyplayers @PCGamers @forzaplayers

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I will definitely be on tonight @PCGamers (and may even be drinking😮) if anyone is down for some Destiny 2, Wildlands, Division, Fortnite, or anythingelse… I equally suck at everything


I’ll most likely be on PS4 late, probably after 10pm eastern. Im up for whatever, probably play some R6 Siege, Rocket League or some other game that goes pew pew.


I’ll most likely hit CoD tonight just to get in a large party.

@beers_and_leafs how many players can run that game mode you were talking about? I’m assuming 6.


Cool I am downright remedial at Wildlands. I will be aiming to be on for 930-10 PM EST


@ESOPlayers anyone want to dungeon run tonight?


I will be running some Destiny on ps4, if anyone is on and needs to rum milestones hit me up. I’d be happy to team up.


I’m probably going to be in CoD just to get in a 9 GRG player room tonight but this is something I really would like to do. Especially the new Summerset dungeons. We should look at creating a night for Dungeon crawling.


I might be on tonight around 10 CST. I am up for D2 on PS4 or ESO on Xbox (I’ve started over with a Sorcerer and having more fun with this build.)

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I will be on and running some D2 milestones as well

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I will most likely be playing some WWII if not then looking into joining our GRG guys in some ARK

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I will be playing something on PC tonight. Not sure what the PC group here is into though as I haven’t been around much.

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Yes, six

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I will be on @codplayers tonight

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I want to do something with the community tonight.
I don’t care what.

I can do ARK on Xbox or PC
I can do Destiny 2, GTA Online, ESO, or COD for Xbox…

Send me an invite if you see me on. Hell I may just hang in the Discord LFG chat channel until I get something lined up.


COD XB tonight

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