GRG Community Night 6/21

It’s GRG’s weekly Community Night. Let’s gather up and shoot some shit. Let’s get a few rooms running. As usual, we’ll focus on Battlefield 1. I’d be down for another run through an old Destiny Raid (need 6 people to sign up). I’m sure we’ll have a group questing in ESO’s Morrowind as well. Hell, maybe even some Crossout!

We’ll aslo have some cavemen posers playing Ark. And I’m sure we’ll have @CaptainPeeJ looking for Chicken Dinners in Battlegrounds

@codplayers @BattlefieldPlayers @DestinyPlayers @ESOPlayers @PCGamers

Expect parties to start forming up around 9.

Pro-Tip (and just the tip) - Just hop right into our open parties. We’ll get you in game then. We’re old and forgetful. Sometimes we forget to scan our Friends lists to spam invites.

I’ll be on PUBG from 8-9:30.

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Nivelle nights is live today and 2xp I will be on BF1 most afternoon after lawn mowed and this evening

Can you get my lawn next?

I’m also interested in a Destiny Retro Raid run, or even just some crucible action.

I’m out tonight. My nephews last day of high school. Having a bbq to celebrate.

OMG doing that too…BFF!!!

If you’re looking for some bodies for destiny count me in.

I will be on BF1.

Need 3 more bodies for Destiny otherwise I’ll go to BF1.


After I play @beers_and_leafs in Madden, I would be interested in some Destiny.

I will be playing a game of driving my wife and 4 kids.

@PCGamers we are scheduling PUBG tonight so hook up in voice chat on Discord.

That sounds boring AF

Well when you add driving through NYC and North Jersey it makes it more ummmm exciting?

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If it works.

GG IN PUBG last night boys. We had some good games.



Nice to see we can still draw a large group out to BF1. I think we had 13 or 14 guys in the party at one point. Too bad I got stuck on team tater. You know you’re screwed when GRG is the top of the scoreboard for your team.


I jumped in towards the end after PUBG group broke up…was pretty stoked as in I found my new fav Scout gun. The Night map was pretty cool as well.