GRG Community Night 8/12

With Lala on vacation it seems a bit quieter and a bit friendlier in GRG this week. As usual its GRG’s Community Night and we will have the GRG Regulators laying waste to Cyrodiil on XB1. Also, Disney will be hosting a CoD room and World of Tanks with Hawklander and GRG Jackal. On the PS4 side Audible will be running a Planetside 2 room or Join up with Tuttle on Rocket League. Let us know what you’ll be playing tonight!

Originally published at:

I’ll be on Planetside tonight


Iv been in the process of moving the past couple of weeks but the internet guy should be here tonight and hopefully I can get on and play some with yall fine folks

I will be on COD

I’ll be on Planetside 2 Tonight. Few other Outfit leaders have created a IRC channel to coordinate all of our outfits so hopefully tonight we can actually call for back up and have some actual flanking maneuvers. I will be relaying any orders to the LFG slack chat channel until i get on.

Also new patch has brought new features and i think weapons. Stealth sundy is bugged tho LOLZ…

also, I’m reading that the patch is 2 gigs. so theres that…

Maybe on COD AW later tonight . World of Tanks still has some issues that the new update will fix on the 18th.

No joy tonight. I’ve got to get up at 4AM for work tomorrow. I really fucking loathe being forced to maintain a job to support myself.

@RTuTTle86 hell yes lets get the GTAV going first, I already got the call for the very last heist we just need to start it