GRG Community Night - BF1 Edition 10/19

Join us tonight for another round of GRG’s Community Night. A night were we all gather up, get in parties and shoot fools in the face. The main focus this week will be the Early Edition of Battlefield 1(@BattlefieldPlayers). We’ll be forming parties on both the XBox and PS4 (Join @TheKlown4Life party for PS4). We’ll also have some tryhards playing Destiny (@DestinyPlayers). Let us know if you’re attempting a Raid, Nightfall or Crucible. And lets not forget we’ll have a few Gearheads banging out some Horde mode (@GoWPlayers).

Look for things to pick up around 9:00PM EST.

So what are you playing and on what console?


BF1 - PC Masterrac… I mean Xbox one.

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I’ll be on until around 8:30est tonight. I’ll play whatever. Just send me an invite.

I’ll be on xb1 around 8ish. Up for whatever do shoot me an invite if you see me. Of not I’ll jump on with somebody.

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I will be on Destiny up for whatever. Should be on between 8:30 and 9:00 eastern.

Probably do BF1 for an hour or two on XB1 starting at 9:15ish EST

I’ll be playing BF1 on XBox 1 starting around 8.

I will have a BF1 room open at 9pm est. everyone is welcome and please just join dont be shy! If we get over a squad we will look at starting another room or maybe running private if interested if we get 2 full teams

Will be on BF1 xbox

Will be on BF1 tonight. 9pm GRG time.

Destiny “Grind to 385” for me.

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Good games tonight…when the party was working right, it was even better.

Great games tonight. Really love BF1.

That mondragón sniper was chewing me up yesterday… there’s a lot of people rank 20’s already. Guess I better get good fast. Sorry destiny, I’m gonna have to see other people for a little while.

Had a good squad last night with @MohawkViking @DuvalFunk @Muzukashii we owned the last match as top squad i believe Mohawk went 42-0 in a heavy tank

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Is your back tired from carrying @DuvalFunk? That guy sucks

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I wish I would have taken a screenshot that showed our squad as the best at everything. @Lala_Calamari have you ever gone 42-0 in anything?

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0-42 of course he has.

We should introduce Mohawk to Tong Po.

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So it looks like @MohawkViking is the PS4 version of @PPCtoofat4u357?