GRG Community Night - SIGN UP HERE FECKERS! 3/14

It’s time for our community night! We sure don’t have a shortage of games to play now. Take your pick, or play all of them throughout the night. We’ll have parties all over the place.

So let us know what you’re playing and when you’ll be on. Let’s squad up and kick some ass! Don’t game alone!

@PlayStationPlayers @ESOPlayers @OverwatchPlayers @DivisionPlayers @BattlefieldPlayers @PUBGPlayers @codplayers @ArkPlayers @DestinyPlayers @PCGamers

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Warning Gamer A.D.D in progress…thinking 1 of the 4…

Monster Hunter
Ghost Recon


PUBG on X1

My squad will be running in tighty whiteys only


We really need people posting up here for tonight’s event. It really does go a long way. Let us know if you’re gaming tonight and want to squad up tonight.

I’ll be on COD at some point.

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I will be hunting for Leprechauns in COD tonight, but I may not be on until 10. Gotta go to the movies first.

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I will be on COD at around 9pm est

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I’m in for some Fortnite BR.
Maybe Battlefield depending on interest.

I’ll be on from around 18:00-19:00 Eastern for a couple of hours.


I will likely be on The Division at some point but if anyone is up for some Fornite BR or HC COD WWII I am down to run a few matches with the squad.


I will be in D2, I suspect the usual @DestinyPlayers will be joining me…all are welcome pls find our voice chat and you can just BS with us even if you don’t want to join our specific activity (NF maybe?) I had a lot of fun with GRG-IB last week…to be clear it wasn’t IB it was IB with GRG that made it awesome

oh and so you lazy asses dont have to reply…I assume @Sniper_T1 @ezekielJP @ixL0N3W0LFxi @BrambledWhiskey @destroyerT1 @catsweat will be on…let me know if you are out. anyone else?

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D2 for me tonight after I get off around 10 cst. I would be down for some nightfalls or strikes.

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I’ll be on PUBG for XB1 but I only run FREE Ball so obviously I won’t be with @TEXENT

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If I’m on it’ll either be Overwatch @OverwatchPlayers or ESO Pledges @ESOPlayers Gaming will depend on real life schedule

Ill start the night in OW!

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War is great, but you gotta have at least half your team as your group. Otherwise it’s too much of people doing their own thing.

I like it because of all the XP you get.

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I’ll be on cod but would be down for some forza

Count me in boss.

@BrambledWhiskey I’ll look for yah to get on. I’ll run the nightfalls with yah. We gotta stay away from that @valiantvictory guy, he’s a real slave driver.

I will be around on D2. Let’s party up and get some Milestones completed.

I’ll be up for some D2 but would also be down to run some pub g or WW2

Ill be on don’t know when but I’m up for anything probably end up on mhw @anon36214017 if you need some help