GRG Destiny 2 Clan - Everyone must Reapply!

GRG’s Destiny 2 Clan is now ready to approve members. I had to clean out the old GRG Group so Bungie could convert our old “group” to a clan. Destiny clans can only have 100 members and we had 140+ in our one group alone. I basically removed everyone from the old GRG Group and Clan and figured we could just start over.

If you’re getting Destiny 2 and want to be part of the GRG Clan, please visit our Clan page and re-apply! We are going to try to run one clan for all platforms and will expand if necessary.

PS: Please don’t get butt hurt if you were removed. I had to knock the number down and decided it was easier to start over. Send all angry PMs to @Grex!


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Correct link added. Make sure to apply to this one.


I reported this clan to bungie. Reason… Lack of nudes.


I’m not getting Destiny 2 but please add me so I can take up space.


Just tried to apply and it only gave me a screen with the clan name on it and what I’m assuming is the logo. Is it already full?

It isn’t full. Maybe they were having issues at the time.

You should have a yellow button saying something like “Join Clan On Xbox Network”.

This is what it looks like for me (bear in mind I only have my PSN account linked).

Sent an invite. Let me know if you get it. The clan features are very wonky.

Just got it and accepted. Part of my issue may have been I was trying to do it on my phone. Thanks Lala

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Not sure what’s up with my account either. If I jump on the website or app it says I’m still a grg clan member. Doesn’t let me join anything.

You are a member of the existing clan, nothing for you to do.

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says I’m already a member??? I didn’t reapply

I did keep a few people that I knew were getting it and were repping GRG. There was no automatic removal process, I had to manually remove people. It got old removing people after a hundred or so.


I see lol

Ya doesn’t work on phones gotta use pc :slight_smile:



So got on pc and searched for clan and no results found… I’m linked to budgie with my psn and searched for grg and grim reaper gamers…nada. Wut am I missing?

Clan search doesn’t work - Bungie are aware.

Sent you a direct invite to the clan.

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