GRG GTA V Night! XB1 w/ JH



Thursday night is GTA V night. We will roll with some GTA online on XB1 starting at 9 EST on off weeks for the Reapercast - it will start once the Reapercast is done on nights the cast airs.

Sign up and join in on Thursday nights, and bring your favorite drink. If you haven’t already, send a FR to JohnnyHustler to get in.

Originally published at:

I’ll be on for some GRG asshatery. Looking to run a heist, need 3 more people!


I would be there, but I won’t be home till Sunday. :disappointed:

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Hey, I make that hat look good

I may be on afterall. I didn’t go to the lake, yet.

Man I traded GTA in didn’t know people still played.

We’re sort of bored with current shit at the moment and are waiting for the fall releases. So we started fucking around in GTA a bit.

Right on is anyone gonna get Halo 5? That’s probably my favorite shooter.

Just from what I have heard there will be a handful that get it. If it is good we can always recruit for it.

That’s cool I know there are a lot of COD players in this clan. I got burnt out after Black Ops 2 lol.

I’m def down for some GTA foolery. Sign me up! Hopefully I’ll see some of ya’ll on!

What system are you on?

I did try some GTA tonight but got mostly GTLobby.