GRG LFG thread for 9/11

Starting the LFG thread for tonight. What are you playing tonight? Who needs a squad, who is forming a squad? Speak up or game alone (like @Gunny).

I’ll be on Destiny trying to increase my Light Level. I’ll start an open XBox party, hop in for a fireteam invite. I’m up for Patrols, Heroic Public Events, or Strikes. Hell, maybe I’ll try smashing my head against the Nightfall wall again.

I’m going to be on Overwatch, ESO, WoT or possibly Wildlands with some IRL buddies. Feel free to join on any of those titles

forgot to tag the groups.

@DestinyPlayers @codplayers @PCGamers @PlayStationPlayers @OverwatchPlayers @ESOPlayers @BattlefieldPlayers

I’ll be on Destiny, hope to maybe team up to run through story mode? I’m not far into it if anyone wants to build a second or is just getting started.

I will be on Destiny finishing the last story mission I hope. Then I will run whatever my LL will let me.

Ill be on Destiny was thinking nightfall but only at 262 and looks like 271 was not enough is will be up for any way to level up

I’ll be on Destiny if anyone wants to run Nightfall this evening. If you see me on, toss me an invite and I’ll join. In the mean time, I’ll be working on my titan and getting him to 20.

Can you put me in the destiny players group?

well hell, i have to wait on my destiny purchase so I will be around for some PUBG if anyone wants to squad up!

You are already a member.

I’ll be on D2. Finished the story, so now it’s public events and quests for Light.

NF is 240 LL. That’s bare minimum. It’s tough as you can get bogged down, it’s set on a time limit.

I’ll be on about 9. I may start a second one.

I’ll be on about 9 for some D2. Up for whatever