The Tenno lab is open. You can now research warframes at the dojo.
I do.
I do.
I started construction of the trading post in the Dojo.
I’ve also been contributing to the labs. We have some decent craftable weapons now.
I recommend crafting the AKStilleto side arms. They are really nice, especially when you upgrade them to hold 60 mod slots.

I’m continually amazed by how much variety is in this game. Sometimes I don’t know what I want to do next. Of course, a lot of time I don’t know what I am supposed to do at all. It’s a shame that there is no tutorial in the game.
Honestly, I am adrift without watching the YT video tutorials that quantum linked.
The warframe wiki is amazing.
YouTube, warframe wiki, warframe builder, and squad mates are the best ways I have learned the game
I know I’m late to the party, but may I get a Clan invite? Thanks
I’ll add you in later tonight.