GTA Heists out March 10th

So sayeth Rockstar.

The bad news is that the PC version is delayed again to April 14th.

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Nice! We can plan Heists in my fancy pad. We’ll need to stockpile loot. We should also do a night of trading race wins to upgrade our cars.

Stupid question, is it free or is it paid DLC?

Heists are free DLC.

For all the bullshit and waiting it had better be free and good.

Like @Gunny’s sister?

No…he said Free AND good.

I just want this truck!!!

@RTuTTle86, @lukimazit, Nola saints guy, @Klown4Life and i forgot who else… time to step our game up.

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@Audible_Silence im down to play im off the next 2 days…i need RP so need to do missions and shit

I’ll be on tonight after 11 east. tomorrow for sure. already made an event about it.