I wanted to finish out the SP for GTA V but got totally side tracked with the MP. Now I’m Level 9, with some cash and guns and I have a few questions.
- What should I buy?
I can buy garages, houses, cars, weapons, upgrades. What should I focus on first?
Why should I buy cars if I can just steal any? Is there an advantage to it?
Do I need to constantly repair my personal car? Or will it get auto fixed?
Do I have to return to my garage if I want to swap cars?
Currently I’ve been focusing on doing simple missions that I can solo. I’ve also been selling Los Santos Customs stolen cars when I can (I think every 45 minutes to an hour) . Finally, I’ve been robbing stores (I did buy a mask).
If you own a garage or house (comes with garage) you cars are repaired every time you pull in garage. You pay a very small weekly mechanic fee. Otherwise you will have to repair it every time.
Only buy cars that you can’t steal and you want to trick them out. Most cheap cars can be stolen. Once you steal them put a tracker and full insurance and you won’t loose the car. If you don’t have a garage do not try to insure and track more than one car. You will end up losing them because you have no were to store them. One will go to impound and eventually vanish.
In most cases yes you have to return to garage to get car but I think you can call someone once you reach a certain level to drop off a car.
At your level I would bank money and buy ammo and weapons when needed. Unless you really want a house/garage.
Also once heist come at least one person in the group has to have a house to plan the heist. At one point they said the better the house the more options you get in the heist. This was a long time ago.
Lala, sounds like you are enjoying the game. What do you think? It can be a lot of fun. Open world, do what you want. Most of the time digital and I find fun things to do until we run low on cash and ammo, then we’ll spend a few hours playing missions to build up our cash stacks again. Lot’s of ass hattery to be had in this game if you have some friends.
I am having fun. Needed to find something different to play and this is fitting the bill. Not sure how game types like Deathmatch will play out but the missions are fun.
Looking forward to Heists.
Quick Noob tip:
You can change the default angle of view for vehicles. I didn’t like the low 3rd person view. I switched it to high 3rd person view. Now I’m driving much better.
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Level 8 (guess I didn’t play much MP on the 360) with over 525k deposited in the bank. Not sure if I should do some spending yet.
It looks like I don’t have a home yet so I should spend some of my cash there. Upgrade to a nice place with most of my 500k or go smaller?
So you can earn XP by singing in your headset while taking a shower…who would ever think.
I’m usually in party chat so my shower singing bodes me zero XP. 
and shooting around him too. Be careful, sometime when you grab the money and turn to leave the clerk will pull out a weapon and start shooting.
I didn’t go completely cheap as I wanted a 10 car garage. So spent about 200k on a place, plus the place has a bong so well worth the money.
buy a 10 car garage, if you wanna change clothes and stuff then get one with apartment attatched. functinally theya re all the same, only difference is the view you see out of the window.
when you buy a second property you can sell old property for half what you bought it for if you want
i like races, make a lot of money in races.
buy/steal a sanchez for dirt races, its the fastest vehicle and its only 7500.
Dirty Sanchez?
Races would be fine but I suck at driving. Even if I’m doing well, the fucking AI comes at me head on. I’m a car magnet. Winning a race won’t be easy, unless I go up against GRG.
even if you arent in first you can still make decent money, go to the race at the horse track. its just a circle so no traffic. use the dirty sanchez, if you get top 5 you make about $1000 a minute…
oh and yeah dirty sanchez is the name of the dirt bike.