Being that I have played so many MMOs you would think I would know how to build a class but I need some pointers. In most I just skill train whatever I feel like and end up with a wacky build and normally have to respec if I stay in the game that long (I’m a lazy MMO player). I want to do it right this time so…
I am a Level 21 Charr Warrior. I would like to use a hammer and/or sword & shield. Should I use a rifle for one?
At what point should I talk to the skill trainer. Currently I have avoided him, except to see what I will need monetarily.
I also have only used 1 of my skill points
I just picked up my 2 professions. Chef & Weaponsmith
Should I just google and find a build? Tips & pointers appreciated.
This is the current end game meta builds by class. This stays pretty updated and is community driven. They are broken out by what you are doing, PvP, PvE, etc… but you can use them how you like. Go by your play-style. These should give something to shoot for.
As far as crafting goes you can pretty much pick anything. cause once you max it out you can switch to something else or make another character. if you switch it does not loose the progress you made.
For leveling quicker. story missions and events. anything you come across even if its just to tag one enemy as you run through, you will get credit for it.
see a commander tag. (looks like a Dorito) follow it. they are most likely event farming