Halo 5 customs night 8/15/19

This Thursday come join in on the fun in another round of GRG custom Halo games where we have fun and completely lose it as Lala slaughters us all. If you don’t have it downloaded I would recommend getting it started now as its a whole 100gigs and will take a bit. The past couple Thursdays we have been able to get 12 or so people in and want to try for the 16 player max limit so why not hop in and join us. Game pass also has it for those who are subscribed to it so all you will have to do is get it downloaded. Hope to see you all there at 9pm est. so just hop in the party with me or @Lala_Calamari and we will get it going .

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Joining again so i can get my revenge on everyone or just get killed some more either way I know the future lol.


I will be around as long as I dont get called into work

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Rookie. Tag @HaloPlayers

I’m in.

Don’t miss out folks. Even if you’re not a Halo Fanboy, the games are fun and the camaraderie is even better.


I’ll plan on being there. It’s a good time and brings in bunch of the grg’s.


i gotta have some one i can actually assassinate

I’m totally gonna try to be in. Last week got away from me and I was in town, but I should be WFH this Thurs


master chief is ghey…jus sayin
mr. mackey school GIF by South Park

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I will be on.

I plan on being on

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I’ll be on

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In until my old ass can’t keep my eyes open any longer. Last week I made it 2 games. Of course that is Lala’s fault with his ghetto ass nat settings.


Anyone gonna be broadcasting? i dont know how the co broadcasting works but we can try it out

I can neither confirm nor deny if I will be on. If I am on I will try to punch your Spartan in the nuts!

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Totally spaced I have to take my brother to the airport when this is happening so I will miss this week but I will back for next week if you all decide to do it again.

Stream from last night.
