Hardline Angry review

Angry Joe says avoid

yeah i do agree with him on a lot of points. Its definitely a re-skin of bf4 and should have been considered and add-on.

LOL. Good review. Sure, it’s a reskin. It’s still fun. On sale this week for $40.00. I think that’s a good price for it.

I guess it depends on expectation. After seeing first gameplay and having time with the BETA I knew this wasn’t going to be a “new game”. It’s Battlefield, just a bit different that’s all. I bought it knowing what is was going to offer me. I’m happy with the game thus far.

I agree PJ. I knew it wasn’t “Battlefield” and I’m ok with it. I’m not a fan of the giant BF4 maps that center on vehicles. I can’t stand that type of game play which is why I hated the China Rising map pack. Hardline doesn’t have jets and tanks and I prefer that.

Also, the new game modes are a blast. It only cost me 60 bucks and I already played enough to cover the cost. This weekend Best Buy has it on sale for $40. That’s a great price for this game.