Hello Hello!

Hey Everyone,
My name is Mike, but everyone online calls me Fallout. It’s my old Eve Online character name, and it stuck ever since with the people I know.
I’m 45 year old Financial Advisor from Ca, and can’t really discuss business online due to new industry regulations… you’re welcome lol.
Happily married with three awesome, but nutty kids… I love spending time online playing a variety of different games, mostly to meet people from all over the world.
Recently, a couple of friends and I started a variety stream of older gamers that get on a topic and go on comedic rants if we can. If the moderators are cool with it, I can go into that more later on down the road. However, I am here to meet people, not spam… so let’s get to playing and having some fun!
Until then, I look forward to seeing what this group does, and hoping to meet a lot of you in the Discord voice chat!


Welcome to grg its good to have you we always need more meat shields lol. What all do you game on and play? Plenty of people play Cod and destiny but plenty of others play a variety of games

Welcome to GRG!

Welcome to GRG Mike

Have yet to play COD and Destiny, but I’ll probably be getting both soon. Play a variety from Wow, Eve Online (although I just rage quit Eve for my 3rd time last week after CCP changes.) Having fun with Fortnight, No Man’s Sky, Fallout 76, and as of last night, Rocket League. I’m all over the place and down to try new games with people.
And Thanks for having !


Welcome to the community

Welcome to GRG

Glad you could join us Mike! You’ll find a lot of cool people to game with in here.
