Hello people

What’s up guys.
Thanks for letting me join this community

My name is Chris but feel free to call me fishy (not because I smell but because I drink like a fish) :crazy_face:
I’m thick skinned and call it as it is, don’t worry I’m not a complete c**t. :rofl:. I’m very friendly and enjoy getting to know new people. I can be a bit quiet sometimes but that never lasts long.

I’m looking forward to some funny games and good banter with you all. I’m working a lot of night shifts at the moment so will be on at random times of the day but am on xbox everyday for at least a couple of hours. Feel free to add me. My gamertag is Fishysneej.
Look forward to hearing from you.


Welcome to GRG! What games are you playing?

I added you to my friends list and also sent you an invite to GRG’s XBox club.

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Sweet. Ive also added you.
I was playing a lot of pubg but now black ops 4 is out playing that as much as possible until red dead 2 comes out

I added you to the @codplayers Group so you get updated on the forums when people are looking for groups.

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Welcome to GRG!

I’m mainly on PS4 but occasionally hop on the XBox. I’ll shoot a FR over.

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Welcome aboard.

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Welcome buddy. If you come over to the dark side add me on PSN, Quantumbullet-

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I probably won’t transition over 2 ps4 as I’m getting my gaming pc set up. Going to take me a while to get used to keyboard and mouse lol

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Welcome to the crew!

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Welcome to the community.

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I have a few titles on Xbox, so will add you (Olz 2), though I’m mostly on PS4 and sometimes PC.
Playing a lot of Destiny 2 these days.

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Welcome to GRG

GT is beers and leafs on the XBone

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Gt xbox mnvikesfan

Welcome to GRG!

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Welcome. I also am trying to get used to a KB&M after being a lifelong console gamer

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Yea it’s going to take a while but won’t be starting to practice till after I’ve completed red dead 2

Cool I’ve added you