
Hello to all of you! I am brand new, (obviously), and was looking for a good group of people that like to have fun since Anthem is coming up. I’ll be on the Xbox myself.

I do like to play just about anything, but unfortunately I don’t have have CoD or anything right now unfortunately. But I will add to the collection with time and find new games to play with you all.

Hit me up, I’ll be around! When I can, I’ll join you on discord as well.

Sorry for the intro being short, my ckmputer died, so stuck using my phone, haha. Take care and see you all in game!


Welcome Ryular.

I see your XBL tag is the same as your forum username. That’s smart, keeping it simple for the tater tots in here.

We have a number of Xbox players who are waiting for Anthem to drop.
I’m sure they’ll add you to their friends list on Xbox and you’ll see discussion on the forums and in our Discord server too.

We’ll also send you an invite to our XBL club too. Can make it easier to add people by their handle that way.

Let us know if you have any questions!


Thank you!

As for keeping it simple, I prefer it that way. I feel like as I get older my memory keeps getting worse. I dont need more complications, haha.

I’ll be keeping an eye out for the invite to the club in the meantime and will probably jump on to the discord server tomorrow.

Looking forward to it!

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Welcome! I’m one of the people waiting for Anthem in Xbox. soulterror08 is GT

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Welcome aboard.

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Welcome to the asylum…

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welcome to the geriatric ward of gaming communities. I am also waiting for Anthem to drop.

GRG pro-tip: clicking on a users avatar will show their gametags.

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Welcome to GRG

GT beers and leafs on the XBone

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Welcome…we have bunch playing D2 and many of us are planning to play Anthem next week

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Welcome to GRG!

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Welcome to GRG!

I added you to my friends list and sent you an invite to the GRG XBox Club.

XBox GT: Lala Calamari

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Late to the party, Welcome.

GT: Romach

Hit me up with some Anthem.

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