
Hi, joined for some Division action. Hopefully see you in the beta tomorrow. PSN: Big___Yin____


Welcome to GRG. Send a FR to my PSN: JohnnyBigRed. You’ll also want to check out the games forum and subforms to see more GRG members that are getting the Division. If you click on the avatar for each user, you’ll see their tag for the console they’re on. Feel free to start sending out invites.

Hey bud, welcome to GRG.

Welcome, hope you last longer than the last new guy

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Welcome aboard.

Welcome to GRG

Welcome to GRG!

Psn is the screen name :wink:


Welcome to the community! PSN:DaKlown4Life

Which timezone are you in? UK?

Welcome welcome! PSN : DuvalFunk

WEelcome to the party

PSN Amusekus

Welcome to the shit show!

Psn: cridkid
Xbone: cridlander
Steam: cridlander

Welcome to the Jungle!! PSN xReaperMan10x